Save our PRI - Perth and Kinross-shire is growing, we need more local services, not SNP cuts.
Recently the Courier covered the proposed cuts to local health provision. Health is a devolved issue, under the control of the SNP, and despite us having higher taxes than elsewhere in the UK, we are receiving poorer standards of care and support.
Health matters - in addition to record waiting times, deteriorating A&E, lack of NHS dentists these cuts and lack of performance are costing lives - Life expectancy in Scotland is the lowest of any nation or region in the UK and is lower than it was ten years ago. This isn't acceptable when our taxes and spend per head are higher in Scotland than other parts of the UK.
Local Scottish Conservatives are standing against any cuts to our local health services, and strongly believe that if we are building more houses in Perth and Kinross-shire we should invest in our local services.
Our Plan - Modern, efficient, local health service:
> My NHS App - 24/7 app to allow patients to see waiting times, book appointments and access records
> 1,000 additional GPs, especially supporting rural areas
> Reduce waiting times, including twinning operating theatres, introducing further Saturday treatments, off-peak scanning and take up offer of extra capacity elsewhere in UK in short-term
> A new workforce plan with better conditions for all healthcare workers
> Right to Recovery Bill in the Scottish Parliament for those suffering from drug addictions.
If you feel the same, please complete our survey.
Courier article:
Insiders fear NHS Tayside budget cuts could risk Perth Royal Infirmary future (